

主演:露丝·威尔森,达利尔·麦克科马克,艾比·菲茨,西蒙·德兰尼,齐季·阿库多卢,Lynn Rafferty,Hilda Fay,Fiona Browne,Eoin Gleeson,Charles Abomeli,Michael O'Kelly,Eimear Morrissey






墙里的女人第一季 剧照 NO.1墙里的女人第一季 剧照 NO.2墙里的女人第一季 剧照 NO.3墙里的女人第一季 剧照 NO.4


  Lorna Brady is a woman from the small, fictional Irish town of Kilkinure who wakes one morning to find a corpse in her house. Chillingly, Lorna has no idea who the dead woman is, or if she herself might be responsible for the apparent murder. That’s because Lorna has long suffered from extreme bouts of sleepwalking ever since she was ripped from her life at the age of 15 and incarcerated in a convent. There, Lorna gave birth to her daughter Agnes, who was cruelly taken from her and whose fate Lorna has never known.  Unluckily for Lorna, Detective Colman Akande is now also on her tail, for a crime seemingly unrelated to the body she has discovered in her house. The ambitious Colman quickly rose through the ranks of the Garda Síochána thanks to his natural aptitude. His scathing wit hides a quiet sadness, and when he meets Lorna, he finds himself forced to confront his own haunting secrets.    As Colman searches for a murderer and Lorna searches for her daughter, their paths collide in ways they could never have anticipated. Lorna’s search for Agnes will take her deep into her own past and to the heart of Kilkinure’s darkest secrets, as she and Colman seek the answers they each so desperately need.沙城恐怖游轮缴枪不杀美国大屠杀幸福秘方我的夏日甜心大闹西游2018流浪的心2021赤焰战场(粤语版)别动我的抽屉街狼吕不韦传奇伟大的卡鲁索医生婚前故事猫头鹰复仇者集结 第一季魔女宝鉴灯塔世家局中人第三季一品江山仕掛人・藤枝梅安在不白不黑的世界里,熊猫笑了尤利西斯:黑暗的奥德赛不劳动者们云飘飘维京传奇第一季荒野的寿飞行队外传 天空的春风飞行队俾鬼捉忍者小英雄4九尾狐传1938毕业阵痛记德云社孟鹤堂相声专场哈尔滨站2019双螺旋 第二季一个人的课堂麻辣女配 普通话版你是湖南人不咯第三季神天至尊·动态漫画无敌铁桥三风儿踢踏踩波特兰迪亚第二季钢铁,是这样炼成的鱿鱼仔的乡土生活第七季队长小翼预制菜争霸赛



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