

主演:约翰·西姆,丹尼·戴尔,肖恩·帕克斯,Lorraine Pilkington,Nicola Reynolds







  The Cardiff club scene in the 90's: five best friends deal with their relationships and their personal demons during a weekend. Jip calls himself a sexual paranoid, afraid he's impotent. Lulu, Jip's mate, doesn't find much to fancy in men. Nina hates her job at a fast food joint, and her man, Koop, who dreams of being a great hip-hop d.j., is prone to fits of un-provoked jealousy. The fifth is Moff, whose family is down on his behavior. Starting Friday afternoon, with preparations for clubbing, we follow the five from Ecstacy-induced fun through a booze-laden come-down early Saturday morning followed by the weekend's aftermath. It's breakthrough time for at least three of them.黄龙之村野草蔓生女人我的英雄学院 第5季小海鲜阿拉丁与神灯(普通话版)狼与香辛料第一季好妻子2020海蜇家师父一体第二季江湖奇侠1950暗夜无声光棍之家宇宙刑事卡邦花牌情缘闪耀青春网红2021爱情散打大灌篮第九个寡妇砂糖菓子坏了的时候明亮的星女王驾到前夫悔断肠离职后,我回家继承了千亿资产贺兰雪局部 第三季欧洲极致之旅神医农女:买个相公来种田舞台剧第二季图潘守塔人满洲虎行动御用杀手迪克·特平完全虚构的冒险第一季客从何处来2021鬼马双星镖门油菜花香突击再突击西尔维的爱情超级名模2021超人胜利特别版:超级战斗永夜君王回溯因果

