

主演:玛丽亚·瓦西利乌,Giorgos Koutouzis,Koula Agagiotou,Christos Zorbas,Vassilis Panayiotopoulos,Paulos Roussos







  Evdokia (Greek: Ευδοκία) is one of the most important works of Greek cinema. Evdokia is a drama of passion whose main characters are a sergeant and a prostitute who get married after a brief passionate idyll. Very soon, however, the influence of their environment strains their relationship, and the man tries to break away, but without success. The pair are surrounded by harsh light, the rock, the bare landscapes and the military exercises, on the one hand, sensuality and constrictions, on the other. Because of her occupation, Evdokia both attracts and repels the sergeant. The petit bourgeois environment, the lumpen elements, the social fringes and petty interests stifle the young couple, which appears to want to rebel, but doesn't succeed.  With everything moving among violent sensuality, cruelty, coarseness and total austerity, this "prosaic" story assumes the dimensions of an ancient tragedy. The inner struggle of the heroes, the conflict of desires and values, the straightforward narration, vigorous pace, immediacy and sound construction constitute one of the most important works of the Greek cinema. In Greece, the film is mostly known for the popular instrumental piece "Zeibekiko of Evdokia", written by Manos Loizos. In 1986, Evdokia was voted by the Greek movie critics as the best Greek film of all times.无马之日我和喵喵的冒险旅行无人驾驶(2010)我的九月天竺鼠车车 学车篇法国小馆儿第五季曼塔狂飙 Manta Manta Zwoter Teil全球高武,武帝降临金光御九界之墨武侠锋回铭之烽火三月建文皇帝黑神驹死里逃生2021车逝芭比2012冰冻星球第二季七个秘书电影版王朝 第二季爸爸做的早餐德云社郭德纲相声专场北展站2019伏龙诀我只想安静地打游戏动态漫画东海客栈曾经是兄弟:罗比·罗伯特森与乐队坟地喜事驴子醒了博斯 第六季至尊对决武士永恒的爱覆流年迷幻少年 Dealer神偷联盟暗夜良人一日余生阴阳先生2023海滩上的埃塔雷拥抱幸福二见钟情1995幻影死神报告医妃刘胡兰1996大话西游之月光宝盒(粤语版)

