

主演:露西·弗莱,Amy Ruffle,柴·汉森,Ivy Latimer,Dominic Deutscher,Rowan Hills,Kerith Atkinson,Gemma Forsyth,Brooke Nichole Lee





  Zac is a teenage boy who decides to camp on Mako Island, unaware that three mermaids, Sirena, Nixie and Lyla, who are guardians of the island, are watching him. That night, when the full moon rises, the boy comes into contact with the magic water of the Moon Pool. The following morning, Zac wakes up discovering he has become a merman with a fish-like tail and the ability to control and manipulate water. His new-found merman abilities will cause problems for the mermaids.  The three mermaids, curious about living on land, are transformed into humans while in the moon pool during a full moon, now having the ability to live like humans.吉米的舞厅小熊历险记亏钱亏成世界首富大地雄狮色中饿鬼乔乔的异想世界喜欢你MP4挑战吧!大神奇迹熊先生之名2013卡依哈孩童姿势吃脑外星人在被逮捕前陪练人生云霄之上爱别离为你喝彩天咒浪尖的青春头号公敌2闽江橘子红甜蜜家园2国语智慧风暴画皮师2谁杀了斑比?金毛狮王1994国语听见她说黄金神威第三季老亨利首富爸爸归来落魄千金直接起飞我在中国做电影弗兰克和洛拉灵能百分百第三季顾总别吻了,你的身体我驾驭不来杀手古德哭泣杀神4 雄首冬狱拉斯维加斯往事美国谍梦第五季七十二家房客第三部粤语奥斯汀乐园最好的老师1年后、我被学生了荣誉之印寄生虫(2019)

