

主演:杰瑞米·艾伦·怀特,杰西·巴克利,安妮·墨菲,里兹·阿迈德,卢克·威尔逊,尼娜·凯莉,克莱尔·麦康奈尔,阿曼达·阿库里,凯蒂·布赖尔,Avaah Blackwell,朱诺·里纳尔迪,吉姆·沃森,坦凯·雷德弗斯,瓦伦·萨朗加,Ashleigh Rains,Tameka Griffiths,Mish Tam,Heather Dicke,Delainie Marcia,Lauren Horejda









  Set in an uncanny future — or perhaps a slightly alternate present where cellphone technology is nowhere to be found — Anna and her partner Ryan have achieved every couple’s dream: they are in possession of a document certifying their true love. Their comfortable if somewhat mundane life, however, leaves Anna questioning their successful love test, administered by placing their extracted fingernails into a cutting-edge machine. Anna soon begins working for the Love Institute under the tutelage of Duncan (Luke Wilson), which, in addition to determining a couples’ status via the mysterious test, trains them to deepen bonds. There, she’s paired with the experienced — and devastatingly charming — Amir to take couples at various stages of relationships through a series of love-building activities before the big test. As the new colleagues work to ameliorate the connections of clients, Anna begins to wonder if perhaps Amir is her one true love and if trusting her own feelings is a more reliable metric than what is determined by a machine.忍者神龟:变种大乱斗你,应对法柳媚花娇校园风云恋情告急国语版OMG!我爱你...但不合时宜好汉饶命大唐女将樊梨花第七日的奇迹绝望的牛仔2022一九八四1984超变战陀5百变战陀贝茨旅馆第五季拳皇2010阿斯特罗凶间疑影恋爱学分学警雄心国语奇妙的十个昼夜啦啦队夏令营金牌红娘2朱勒的生活仅仅因为浅蓝深蓝佐伊的超凡圣诞节布偶大电影2之最高通缉虫虫危机大刀记悬战特警判官(VR版)家宇家宙最可爱的人暴走留校生霸道总裁俏女友杜鹃花儿开幻想嘉年华 Special Season咯咯咯的鬼太郎 第一季白线灭门小查与寇弟的顶级生活第一季流行病:隐形的威胁35杯朗姆酒笔仙2004星际之门SG-1第七季未知边缘 第一季跟GUN一起玩吧

