

主演:瓦妮莎·摩根,嘉科莫·吉安尼欧缇,艾米·古德默菲,贾科莫·贝萨托,卡琳·考诺娃,Emilee Nimetz,保罗·皮斯科斯基,梅根·赫弗恩,乔瓦娜·休盖特,Lara Amersey,Andrea Drepaul,Chris Cope,多林·梅,亚当·博谢纳,Jana Morrison,杰森·普雷斯利,Thomas Darya





  Wild Cards is a crime-solving procedural with a comedic twist that follows the unlikely duo of a gruff, sardonic cop and a spirited, clever con woman. Ellis (Giacomo Gianniotti of Grey’s Anatomy) plays a demoted detective who has spent the last year on the maritime unit, while Max (Vanessa Morgan of Riverdale) has been living a transient life elaborately scamming everyone she meets. But when Max gets arrested and ends up helping Ellis solve a local crime, the two are offered the opportunity to redeem themselves, with Ellis going back to detective and Max staying out of jail. The catch? They have to work together, with each using their unique skills to solve crimes.不羁夜金发男郎鸭仔里春光粤语新扎师妹(粤语)工薪族楚汉志理发师辣妹刺客魔女狩猎魔神坛斗士大师兄 大師兄夜凛神探 第一季杨锅三的愤怒我最好的敌人致命录像带3:病毒来者何人2019豹族龙门金剑公主迷案断魂咒玩偶侠女传奇红尘那个女孩的俘虏马尔科姆的一家第三季小时代3:刺金时代歌之王子殿下第三季欢乐群英粤语大世界2011赤道的男人鉴爱男女 第一季寄生嗜育乔尔我们不是天使难以忘怀伤城爱别离苦空降任务再见,成人杂志圣·保罗医院之谜小英雄墨萧一呼百应顾先生特工太太有有亿点甜香草

