

主演:埃里克·库尔姆,维克多·梅特莱特,Caroline Hartig,Zoe Straub,桑德拉·德拉兹马尔斯卡,玛雅·索斯帕,Gabriel Raab,Bohdan Graczyk,沃纳·比尔迈尔,Ondrej Kraus,Joseph Altamura,Tom van Kessel,马特兹·泽兹尼扎克,Karol Biskup,尼古拉斯·普里吉格达,Philip Gunsh,罗伯特·温茨凯维奇,Julian Swiezewski,朱格·普拉斯,尼科洛·帕塞蒂







  The action of the film takes place in 1943. The title character is a cosmopolitan and incapable of deeper feelings seducer. In Poland, he lost his entire family. Alone - being in the heart of Nazi Germany - he hides his Jewish origins and often eludes death. He works as a waiter in the restaurant of an exclusive hotel and carelessly enjoys all the charms of life surrounded by luxury, beautiful women and friends from all over Europe. However, when the war begins to take a bloody toll on those closest to him, the intricately built world that surrounds him crumbles like a house of cards.寻找心中的你 王家欣张大人现在是2024年小女花不弃三坊七巷牧师神探 第七季驯服如果不让上司注意到这个时间循环就无法结束俘虏野生女人猎杀禁区天国之子武间道欢喜猎人星光大道剑破龙门鬼吹灯之九层妖塔虎域笑看风云粤语游轮梦魇你也可以是天使五月天追梦一蚊鸡保镖粤语晚开的盛花裸婚时代2011黑死病: 石貂之手 第二季薄樱鬼美美城市颂歌老爸当家(2015)恶搞之家第十季被渣后,我被总裁宠上天梅普尔索普通天大盗侠盗联盟(粤语)超时空魔法师特兰济特集中营持枪流浪汉迷离时空(原版)第二季邪恶电玩帝国夫人在上少帅知错了时间契约新济公活佛晚唐花语苏沐瑾龙爸风云Everybody Loves Diamonds丑闻 第四季

