

主演:Natalie Scheetz,Nick Principe,卡罗琳·威廉姆斯,克丽斯塔·坎贝尔,安妮卡·施特劳斯,Sarah Hayden,Manoush,Jared Demetri Luciano,杰夫·迪伦·格雷厄姆,Micaela Schäfer,瑞安·尼科尔森







  Have you ever seen Uwe Boll's weirdo slasher flick Seed? Better yet, have you even heard of it? It doesn't matter. You're going to. Especially when the recently announced Seed 2: The New Breed comes around. www. 5233tv.com  Dr. Boll will be serving as producer on this one with Marcel Walz directing. Caroline Williams, Christa Campbell, Nick Principe, Jared Demetri Luciano, Manoush, Natalie Scheetz, Annika Strauss, and Sarah Hayden star.  Plot details are currently under wraps, but we'd expect lots of hammering, slicing, dicing, screaming, and all around general mayhem. You gotta like that, right? That's just how these movies roll. More soon!前方高能酸甜苦辣小夫妻旧神什么叫做爱我的老公是她的恋人巴比伦饭店第二季理查德·普赖尔:单口现场逆天者豪门惊梦异能第一季保卫圣诞老人国务卿女士第六季入场券魔鬼悍将(原声版)梦比优斯奥特曼同一片蓝天2008疯狗我早就死啦!异能录之齐鸣诡案怪奇宅少年忍师—司徒家2喜乐长安飞哥大英雄干得漂亮宫本武藏 完结篇 决斗岩流岛山神2021冲天小子粤语版动物狂想曲第二季愿望合伙人破发点:大满贯之路 第二季隧道之鼠恋爱季节今晚在U型酒场特别篇剪刀手爱德华爱情与友谊最爱2011飘香剑雨捉迷藏2021劣质爱情小人物无路可退钟楼小精灵广阔的天地迷失季节摩斯探长 第七季黄金女郎第七季

