

主演:约翰·伯格,Ben Lerner,Colin MacCabe,Christopher Roth,Akshi Singh,蒂尔达·斯文顿








昆西四季 剧照 NO.1昆西四季 剧照 NO.2昆西四季 剧照 NO.3昆西四季 剧照 NO.4昆西四季 剧照 NO.5昆西四季 剧照 NO.6昆西四季 剧照 NO.13昆西四季 剧照 NO.14昆西四季 剧照 NO.15昆西四季 剧照 NO.16昆西四季 剧照 NO.17昆西四季 剧照 NO.18昆西四季 剧照 NO.19昆西四季 剧照 NO.20


  梁文道称:“约翰•伯格是西方左翼浪漫精神的真正传人,一手是投入公共领域的锋锐评论,另一手则是深沉内向的虚构创作。”约翰•伯格于今年1月离世,使得这部纪录片成为他晚年生活弥足珍贵的记录影像。  影片由四部风格迥异的短片构成,串联起一年四季。以约翰·伯格生前所居住过的小镇昆西为背景,用平实的故事以及诗一般的画面,为约翰·伯格褪去艺术家和名人的光环,还原成一位普通的老人,真诚质朴。小村庄中的居民也各有故事。导演也用更多历史影像穿插融合在老人的生活中,给人以诗的穿越感和遐想的空间,是一部非常优美的纪录片。山友都市女人们复仇者集结第二季蝴蝶2014我和爷爷走人间无上剑魂糖衣陷阱夫妻三年老婆不识真面目-苍穹之上朝鲜魔术师不管我怎么去想我不受欢迎这件事都是你们的错!橄榄树之恋脱线先生想你时风起龙临九洲歌剧魅影肖叮叮的剿匪记谍影重重之上海火冰历险天渠阿尔卑斯诊所(国语版)寓言帮老婆成首富结果跟我说离婚通灵之战 第十四季非爱不可王先生和小陈龙王令3(龙王令之风云再起)剧场版超时空要塞F虚空歌姬傲椒的湘菜第一季非黑即白双生迷雾杀出僵尸镇天才少女等你爱我请将我遗忘化身博士1931开心汉堡店 第十四季化物语四季童年鬼屋放开我北鼻第一季冒牌战神之都市纵横托雷西伯利亚的理发师谁杀了莎拉?第一季


 1 ) 昆西四季

在群里种草的传记片,不同的拍摄班底用四个短片桥接起John Berger的生命片段。




 2 ) 昆西四季

在群里种草的传记片,不同的拍摄班底用散文诗般的短片桥接John Berger的生命片段。




 3 ) 我看《昆西四季:约翰·伯格的肖像》




 4 ) 小记:一些台词



I mean, there’s one specific kind of silence which I personally struggled with, which is the idea of not talking to one’s children about such... possibly the inability to hand this on. You know, we talk a lot about handing experience on, “standing on each other’s shoulders”, and so the idea of your experience kind of being cauterized, and not handing it on to your children, such as my father’s generation. That silence is what I’m talking about.… And I suppose that they would say, “well, we fought so that we wouldn’t have to talk to our children about it, we fought so that our children wouldn’t know. But, “history cannot have its tongue cut out.”It doesn’t really work, that silence, because the curiosity and the need to know is still there. And they need to learn. It is not the going into battle that I find most difficult to imagine, it is coming back from battle.

The resistance of the word “inconsequential”. “To protest is to refuse being reduced to a zero and to an enforced silence. Our protests by building a barricade, taking up arms, going on a hunger strike, linking arms, shouting ,and writing, in order to save the present moment, whatever the future holds.”


And each lion was lion, each ox was ox.

For me, a storyteller is like a passer. I mean that’s very like somebody gets contraband across the frontier. I mean, stories come to you all the time, if you listen if you listen, if you listen.

One of the features of our time is that people worship ideas. And objects, but ideas particularly. Quite arbitrary, without really understanding their meaning. I mean, take modern art. The idea of modernity, this is the criteria by which people judge things without really enquiring what makes things modern, if the thing is really modern.

I think the idea of information is power, that just more information informs a public has been disproved, right? I mean that is to say that the war crimes of the Bush administration or whatever, are just there in plain sight. But it was kind of like when you have such of this excess of information that isn’t organized, it just all becomes a kind of noise... And people are bored like there is too much of it.

In the monopolistic religions, there is this notion of Heaven and Hell. Different interpretations but these two categories. And it’s worth asking the question are the following: It’s in Hell where solidarity is important, not in Heaven, isn’t it?

The two things about John’s work that will always make me think of him as a political artist that really matters now, is that While there is a commitment-an unwavering commitment to a recognition of the hell that surrounds us and the need for solidarity, there is also an openness and attention to the sensual world that never goes away. It isn’t just baleful, it isn’t just suffering or despairing that even though it can lead to more suffering in a certain way, there is a commitment, a total commitment to being alive to the possibility of contingency and experience in the moment. The other thing is , even though there’s a commitment to talking about, preserving or memorializing or at least having a memory of modes of life and experience that have passed away, there is no nostalgia. And that, to me, is a big difference between the possibility of a kind of left storytelling and the Tea Party dressing up with historically inaccurate Revolutionary costumes. So that there’s a commitment to the possibilities of the world before us, in a sensory, sensual, libidinal, neurotic way, ’cause those energies have to be harnessed for the political. And there’s a commitment to memory and having a relationship to the dead that never degenerates into the seduction of nostalgia.


Just as with the Internet and web, people live in an endlessly extensive present moment, with collections of the present absolutely unimaginable a little while ago. I mean, enormous extension, positive and negative in this way. But it is of the instant, but it’s as if were geographic and spatial. In the contry, and in a village like Quincy, that extension is vertical, and it’s to do with time. And that’s where the dead take prop. And the idea of children is not only all the natural reasons, but also a question of that continuity, that vertical continuity.

Interesting that for a peasant, the way he reads the landscape is completely different than ours, in the sense that what we would find, like a beautiful landscape, he could find beautiful equally, but for other reasons. That’s to say, the beauty would come from the value of the work that has been put into that landscape, which has shaped that landscape. Detail reveals something of the work done of it.

In the country where you are so open, and some kind of horizon is always there, you’re never shut in. Because you are open, every season has its particularities, some of which you like. In other words, a season isn’t something that befalls you, it is something that you inhabit.

 5 ) 记录







● 很简单地,当你踩下油门,你的机车飞驰出去。顺着你的视线望去,每当遇到障碍物,找到这根线,你会知道你要去向哪里。

 6 ) 四季觀影筆記 Four Notes of John Berger

Random Notes taken during the screening at Seattle International Film Festival

One week before Christmas they met in Quincy
he looked at her for at least two minutes before speaking
she listened to his childhood stories attentively and asked questions
peeling apples in the character of his perished father
just like her father who lost his leg to the tank
or maybe, from falling off the ladder
History cannot have its tongue cut off
those flushed away shall come back

Each lion was a lion, and each fox was a fox.
Why looking at animals
because a ten-year-old cow is already old
because a goat outlives its owner
because we are naked before the gaze of cats and dogs
Can animals comprehend death?

Play a political song on the radio of art
against the dictating voice on the psychopath
Hope has nothing to do with optimism
truth are most easily told in silence
Ideas worship people without judging
disease possess people without explaining
The War would be over
if we stay in bed all day long
It is in hell that solidarity is important
not in heaven

They are something from our farm,
but not from our farm
Fragile I would say
it is fragile
They are the most beautiful present I have ever received
Six eggs concealed in a thatched box wrapped with green ribbons
where the blue becomes bluer
and the yellow yellower


Sheffield doc / fest Essay film it not doc actually...the most excited part is Q&A section just saw Tilda so close.

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「Silence can also be incredibly communicative.」「"If you set out in this world, better be born seven times. Once in a house on fire, once in a freezing flood, once in a wild madhouse, once in a field of ripe wheat, once in an empty cloister, and once among pigs in sty. Six babes crying, not enough. You yourself must be the seventh. When you must fight to survive, let your enemies see seven." — The Seventh by Attila József」

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  • ichbinluz
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#SIFF# 四季,四个切入点。风格比较混杂,但每个部分都很有洞察力。(是时候把John Berger的中文译名改回来了吧……伯杰~~~)

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温柔到让人心醉 看着蒂尔达切苹果 每个人简单的白描画像 农场里动物们短暂却安详的生活 大家分食红嫩的覆盆子 不知不觉就流泪了

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fabulous view of image

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托曲珍的福看到這麼好的片兒。簡直是某種revelation moment。很好奇怎麼做出來這樣一個片子。真喜歡英國的intellectual氣質。最被夏季那段關於動物的觀點打到:十年壽命的羊,或是二十年的馬,對人類來說其實是不死的,因爲整體沒變,死去的不斷被新生的代替。

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