






This season began merely two whole weeks after the first season had ended, on April 19, 2008, with the airing of The Elite Guard, and ended on July 5, 2008, with the two-parter, A Bridge Too Close. The season revolved mainly around the Autobots in the aftermath of Megatron's return, trying to restore the city and their image. Meanwhile, Megatron, Lugnut, and Blitzwing have captured Prof. Sumdac in order to build a Space Bridge, hoping to use it to conquer a weakened Cybertron from within. A sub-plot also focuses on Sari as she searches for her father, while learning that there is no record of her existence of any means. Also, Blackarachnia (originally Elita One) has been reduced to a minor recurring character, only appearing in one episode of the entire season (Black Friday).大国功臣:我为大夏铸剑市场法则人狼游戏:疯狂大陆少奇同志在安源在这块土地上劳动光荣之工地霸主午夜天空遗赠的秘密晴雅集觉悟吧!那边的女孩闹鬼博物馆第一季神童1965墨尔本风云第五季如果·爱救世南极大冒险郝小建的辉煌人生变形金刚大电影碧血剑粤语邦德25纳粹二战工程第二季黑色炸药铁血飞虎时空迷踪德云社戊戌年纲丝节庆典2018三点十三分边缘岁月突然死亡梦与路——小镇青年 双面人生沙娜拉传奇第二季达格利什富贵再逼人人偶新娘魔法纪录:魔法少女小圆外传 最终季 -浅梦之晓-追捕连环杀手第三季薛定谔的猫噪反城市不知羞耻胆破心惊地狱厨房(美版)第二十季林冲之风雪山神庙2023九顶假发的女孩

